Markus Wernig

UNIX/Network Security Engineer

PGP key transition note
 (in use after Aug. 9 2013)

old GPG Key
 (in use up to Aug. 9 2013)

Personal | Professional | IT related | Writings de

Welcome to my place on the web.

I have put up this page because at a certain point I found it necessary to provide a point of reference for those, who - for one reason or another - needed to get some information about me (always be friendly to your local policeman, they told me ;-). I then realized that beside the things people needed to know, there were also things I wanted them to know. And so I threw them both together, and hey presto! about came this site.

Besides being personal and professional in nature, there is another distinction in the material.

  • One part is related to computing: this consists of pieces of software I wrote, articles and howtos, links and various information on the topic (this is mostly UNIX/Linux stuff).

  • The other part stems from a more obscure side of myself: my literary writings.
    When I was still a proof-reader I took up writing short stories and essays, and even tried my hand at a novel. Some of the stuff was published, some not, and what of it has been digitally mastered, is collected here.

  • And then there are some professional and personal details.

Markus Wernig

webmaster wernig net